
Google SERP Snippet Optimization – On Page Strategy

9:52 PM

Today i am going to Discuss about Google SERP Snippet, What are the different part of snippet and How Google Choose which part of snippet to show in SERP. So lets start discussing About Google SERP Snippet i think everyone knows how Google Snippet looks like if you don’t then just see the below image.

Any SERP Have 8 different parts. So lets discuss about the different parts of Google Snippet and tips For Optimize That and some Facts About Snippet.

1- Title

The first very important thing in Google SERP is webpage title. Because webpage title helps the users and search engines to understand theme of your website. So try to make your webpage title stand out in crowd.

The importance of title tag is greater then meta description tag or meta keyword tags. i know you are not going to believe it but after reading this complete post you going to believe it.

Tips For title -

*Make your Title informative Descriptive and attraction Grabbing

*Use your Keyword in your webpage title

Facts about Title :-

You know Google only shows 70 character of your webpage title in SERP (including Spaces). if page title exceed from 70 character Google tries to shows as much possible it can show and the rest of title are replaced by ellipsis (……)

2- Meta Description Or Snippet

The other important thing in Google SERP snippet is webpage description. because webpage page description help to user to see the website is related to my search query or not. so try to make your webpage description stand out in crowd.

Remember Google have complete rights to change the snippet and make it useful for users. Google always performs experiment on Snippet.

Right Now the importance of meta description tag become less because now Google is able to generate meta description tag for your website by using two methods.

* Open directory project

* From your website content

If your website don’t have meta description tag then Google will show small and related part of your webpage content as a snippet in Google SERP.

Tips For Snippet :-

*Make it informative, descriptive, concise and encouraging a click.

*Use your Keyword in Snippet

Facts About Snippet :-

You now Google shows upto 156 character in Snippet of Google SERP(including Spaces).if your page description or snippet increases from 156 character Google will show as much as Google can show and rest of it replace by ellipsis(…). Google Shows rich snippet for some specific types of WebPages like reviews and business.

3-  Landing Url :-

Google Also shows landing url in Google SERP Snippet to tell the user you are going to land this page after click on this Result.

4- Website Size :-

Some time Google Also shows The size of your website In Google SERP Result.

5- Cached :-

In Google SERP Snippet you also able to see cached link. Cached link helps you to know when your site is last crawled by Google bot. suppose your are a webmaster of your website and you accidently deleted your website then you can look at your cached page and you can recover the source of that page you put it back up again.

6- Crawled Time :-

Some time Google Also show the crawled time when your site is crawled by Google Bot and this will help to understand users this content is fresh.

7- Similar sites :-

Similar pages will shows related pages of your website or maybe other website or other business you interested in.

8- Site links :-

Site Link is very interesting feature in Google SERP snippet. in site link you able to see some extra link of your website pages in your Google SERP snippet.

I think this post defiantly gives you idea how can you improve your Snippets in Google so that you can get more users and hopefully some extra conversions.